Anyplace Education Hairstylist Incentive Program


12 Benefits offers exclusive access to our online store for all eligible salon professionals. Register today to open a direct-to-professional account.
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Return a percentage of online direct spend to qualifying hairstylists for personal education or other business savings.

What we offer?
Financial incentive for hairdressing professionals to obtain ongoing support for career development for his / her independent business.

How does it work?
1 Register as a Salon Professional at

2 Start purchasing 12 Benefits online at

3 Meet ANYPLACE EDUCATION purchase requirements.

4 12 Benefits writes you a check for a percentage rebate of your online purchases.

5 Use your 12 Benefits ANYPLACE EDUCATION reimbursement check for the education program of your choice.

What are the rules?
Rule #1 – You must have a professional salon license.

Rule #2 – You can only earn cash rewards by shopping online at

Rule #3 – Purchases made are accrued during a calendar year and only valid during that calendar year.  Payments are made during the current calendar year.

Why does 12 Benefits offer this?
To support hairstylists in a meaningful way and without restrictions.

What are the levels?
Level 1 shoppers must purchase $6000 online directly with us during a calendar year to qualify.
Level 2 shoppers must purchase $7200 online directly with us during a calendar year to qualify.
*One time purchases do not qualify. Financial returns are rewarded only through continuing purchases as described above.

What % do you pay me for my purchases?
Level 1 shoppers receive a 12 Benefits company check equal to 10% of annual purchases.  There are no limits.
Level 2 shoppers receive a 12 Benefits company check equal to 12% of annual purchases.  There are no limits.

Can you provide an example for me?
You’ve always wanted to go to a prestigious academy to refresh your haircoloring skills.
The haircutting class you want to take costs $450.00
Your 12 Benefits online purchases total $6,000 during calendar year 2023.
Your ANYPLACE EDUCATION rebate is $600.00. Your hair color class admission is paid for from your 12 Benefits purchases and you have $150 extra to budget.